Avoiding Real Estate Mistakes: Essential Tips for Dental Startups

Opening a new dental practice is an exciting journey, but one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make is regarding your real estate. In the latest episode of “The Startup Dentist,” Stephen Trutter, CEO of Ideal Practices, shares invaluable advice …

Is Now YOUR Moment for Dental Practice Ownership (Podcast)?

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about being your own boss? About crafting your ideal dental practice, calling the shots, and making a real difference in your patients’ lives? If so, you’re not alone. Many dental professionals reach a point …

3 Ways Dentists get FREE PUBLICITY

dentistry's ideal practices

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Free Publicity

Learn how any dentist can get free publicity…in your local town or with national exposure on today’s Ideal Practices episode.

Today, you’ll learn 3 specific plans to get …


dentistry's ideal practices

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Jayme Amos

This could possibly be the most interesting concept in Dentistry today:

  1. A 3 day Team meeting…
  2. On a Cruise ship…
  3. with 12CE…
  4. learning from dozens of expert courses…
  5. With

#1 Way to Open a STARTUP PRACTICE with Success

dentistry's ideal practices

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Startups with success



I’m asked all the time, “what’s the #1 thing that makes your startup-clients succeed?”


Great question.
I rarely discuss this stuff publicly.

But today you get …

When to participate with PPOs…(are they jerks?)

dentistry's ideal practices

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Jayme Amos



Warning:   This episode is controversial.

Sometimes I say, “Participation requires self-medication”


PPOs are the anger of many private practice owners…and for good reason.


But WHEN …