What To Ask Your Patient Next

dentistry's ideal practices

Jayme Amos


Let’s face it…

Most patients are not comfortable in dental office.
Most patients are not comfortable in a dental chair.
Most patients come to a dental office with
–   Fear
–   Discomfort
–   Concern
–   Confusion

In today’s episode

How Your Practice Will Make A Real Difference

dentistry's ideal practices




Today you will learn 3 specific questions that will set in motion the course of you and your practices’ life.

3 specific questions will impact you regardless of
-whether you already own a practice
-whether you are thinking …

Legal AND Tax Strategies For Private Practice Owners.

dentistry's ideal practices

Tax Experts


Today, you’re going to learn a few legal AND tax strategies for private practice owners.


You’ll learn this from Jayme and one of dentistry’s premier tax experts.


The techniques and strategy for the highest profits and the …

Jayme’s Apology




It’s been a crazy first 2 months of 2016
Listeners have been asking:


-Where are your podcasts?
-Are you alright?
-It’s been weeks since we have heard from you!


I’m Back!


Click here and learn why

Jayme’s Apology

dentistry's ideal practices

Jayme's Apology



It’s been a crazy first 2 months of 2016
Listeners have been asking:

-Where are your podcasts?
-Are you alright?
-It’s been weeks since we have heard from you!

I’m Back!

In today’s episode learn why I feel

#1 Secret to Patient Loyalty

dentistry's ideal practices

Club membership


A top secret to keeping patient loyalty is rarely discussed.


When you use this #1 Secret well (like other practices have) you’ll create ONE OF THE MOST satisfying experiences you feel in your practice ownership.




1 Question to Define YOU and YOUR Practice

dentistry's ideal practices



to be remembered?


In today’s episode we are challenging you to think about and take action on the legacy you want to be known for in your community, your life and at the end of your career.

  • How