Avoiding Real Estate Mistakes: Essential Tips for Dental Startups

Opening a new dental practice is an exciting journey, but one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make is regarding your real estate. In the latest episode of “The Startup Dentist,” Stephen Trutter, CEO of Ideal Practices, shares invaluable advice …

Surround Yourself With Experts When Opening A Dental Startup

surround yourself with experts

This month Stephen Trutter, President of Ideal Practices, sat down with Marv Nelson, President of A-dec Corporation. In this interview you will learn from two dental industry experts about what it takes to move from associate dentist to successful startup …

13 Steps to Starting a New Dental Practice

13 Steps to Starting a New Dental Practice


Some say 13 is an unlucky number, but I say 13 is my favorite number! 

That’s because I know I’ve been able to take thousands of dental associates across the country and help them open their own dental startups through

Dentists New Patients…ZERO cost!

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here


We’re often asked about dentists’ new patient strategies and today Jayme shares a simple, no cost tool you can use in your practice right away.


Exponentially Grow Dentists New

Masterclass Curriculum and Introduction

Jayme Amos

About This Episode:

In this episode, Jayme Amos will dive into what The Startup Dentist podcast is all about. He will introduce it as the masterclass made just for doctors considering startup practices and share some of the questions the …